2003-10-23 17:51:56 UTC
I have recently begun a more serious study of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, a
subject which has always interested me. I was updating my page on the
and I thought I'd throw out one of the little tidbits I've picked up along
the way just to aggravate people:
"Also of interest to Goreans, we find that women are more susceptible to
hypnosis than men are. If you were to ask most modern devotees of the
subject (see below for "two words" about the "hypnosis scene") one would
almost certainly recieve the indignant reply that of course there is no
difference between the sexes. Or, alternatively, given the vast number of
"hypnodommes" to be found, one might encounter the hypothesis that men are
more susceptible to hypnotism. Neither of these is the case. The difference
is not great, but it is real, and it always shows up in any test results
which are designed to evaluate hypnotic susceptibility. (See J.M. Bramwell,
Hypnotism: its History, Practice and Theory, C.L. Hull, Hypnosis and
Suggestibility, and A. M. Weitzenhoffer, Hypnotism: An Objective Study in
Suggestibility.) Of particular interest is that in men, intelligence,
particularly creative intelligence, tends to correlate somewhat negatively
with hypnotic susceptibility, while in women, it correlates strongly with
hypnotic susecptibility. The possibilities are left as an exercise for the
Comments? Questions? Witty remarks?
subject which has always interested me. I was updating my page on the
and I thought I'd throw out one of the little tidbits I've picked up along
the way just to aggravate people:
"Also of interest to Goreans, we find that women are more susceptible to
hypnosis than men are. If you were to ask most modern devotees of the
subject (see below for "two words" about the "hypnosis scene") one would
almost certainly recieve the indignant reply that of course there is no
difference between the sexes. Or, alternatively, given the vast number of
"hypnodommes" to be found, one might encounter the hypothesis that men are
more susceptible to hypnotism. Neither of these is the case. The difference
is not great, but it is real, and it always shows up in any test results
which are designed to evaluate hypnotic susceptibility. (See J.M. Bramwell,
Hypnotism: its History, Practice and Theory, C.L. Hull, Hypnosis and
Suggestibility, and A. M. Weitzenhoffer, Hypnotism: An Objective Study in
Suggestibility.) Of particular interest is that in men, intelligence,
particularly creative intelligence, tends to correlate somewhat negatively
with hypnotic susceptibility, while in women, it correlates strongly with
hypnotic susecptibility. The possibilities are left as an exercise for the
Comments? Questions? Witty remarks?