A Poll
(too old to reply)
2003-10-05 01:03:29 UTC
I have just subscribed to this group today. Never thought about looking for
Gor amongst news groups before.....which is odd seeing as I'm a web
And yes, I have purchased the 26th book. Now the only book I am missing from
my collection is 25, which has proved elusive.


K.T. Relic

Well, more like a headcount. I was curious to see how many people
to this group. If you do, please reply to this message. You can use a
made-up address if you want, and you needn't put any text in your
message -
just hit "reply group" and "send" if you want.
However, if you do want to actually say anything, you might reply to the
question: "I have purchased John Norman's latest book 'Witness of Gor',
or no?"
Just an idle Amusement.
2003-10-05 01:31:28 UTC

I found your armchair review a little simplistic but highly amusing.
However, I must comment that Marauders cannot be classified as "pretty much
the same basic story stapled to different locales".

That's the book where Tarl gets his groove back!

Nope not yet. Only recently started reading Gor books. Where is your
favorite place to get these books?
the first four and Witness (#26) are the only ones still in print. you can
get them at www.worldofgor.com or through www.pantheusbooks.com
All the other books you'll have to track down used. Try eBay, or you may
lucky in a local used book store.
FWIW, I would suggest you try to focus on these books first (depending on
* the first eight (Tarnsman, Outlaw, Priest Kings, Nomads, Assassin,
Raiders, Captive, Hunters) are the "main sequence" that tell the story of
Tarl Cabot. Captive isn't strictly necessary to the overall series, but
give a representative sample of the "slave girl perspective" novels. Try
get the Del Rey editions with Boris Vallejo's covers.
* after that, track down one or two of the next few books (Marauders,
Tribesmen, Beasts, Explorers). They are pretty much self-contained, so you
don't really need to read them in sequence, and you can skip a couple
they're pretty much the same basic story stapled to different locales, all
of which are just copied intact from Earth). These feature Tarl Cabot, but
at this stage he hasn't really developed as a character any more, he's
playing James Bond(age).
* Skip the next three (Fighting Slave, Rogue, Guardsmen) unless you're a
completist. They are the saga of Jason Marshall, who is basically just a
younger version of Cabot. Nothing new, lots of padding, not essential.
* skip the next two Cabot books (Savages and Blood Brothers) unless you
*really* liked "Dances with wolves"
* at this point, instead of reading any of the remaining Gor books, you'd
probably be better off finding one of his non-Gor fictions (Ghost Dance or
Time Slave, avoid the "Telnarian" books like the plague) or shifting over
Sharon Green's "Mida" or "Jalav" series or Janet Morris's "Silistra"
* if you still have a Gor jones, I'd recommend you pick back up with
Players, and then finish out the original series (Mercenaries, Renegades,
Vagabonds, Magician), which tell the story of the war between Ar and Cos.
* if you've already read Captive, you really don't need to read any of the
other "slave girl" novels (Slave Girl, Kajira, Dancer). They're very
repetitive. If you could only read one, I'd recommend Witness, which has a
crucial plot point for the entire series.
Welcome to Gor, and happy reading!
Terrell Miller
"Those who live by the crystal ball wind up eating ground glass"
- Larry Sabato
Jimmy Hoffa
2003-11-06 01:12:04 UTC
Just a reply but I read a lot of John Norman's books way back in the 70s and
filed them away. I got bored with the poor quality and high price of books
of today and went through the basement searching for better reading
material. Found my stash of Gor novels and am rereading them. Haven't bought
any new ones in nearly 30 years. No matter, they're still superior to what
you'll find in book stores today. They're especially relevent now since the
rise of Feminism. They should be read by all the unhappy women who are
unsuccessfully trying to adapt to the rediculous radical feminism
Well, more like a headcount. I was curious to see how many people
to this group. If you do, please reply to this message. You can use a
made-up address if you want, and you needn't put any text in your
message -
just hit "reply group" and "send" if you want.
However, if you do want to actually say anything, you might reply to the
question: "I have purchased John Norman's latest book 'Witness of Gor',
or no?"
Just an idle Amusement.